厂家批发遇水膨胀、防水防潮橡胶止水带 遇水膨胀橡胶止水带是以进口特种橡胶为主要原料,配合无机吸水材料、高粘性树脂等十余种特种材料经密炼、混炼、挤型而成的一种橡胶止水带产品。 Water swellable rubber sealing strip is imported with special rubber as the main raw material, with a rubber strip products of inorganic absorbent, high viscosity resin and so on more than ten kinds of special material by mixing, mixing, extrusion and the. 遇水膨胀止水带和普通的橡胶止水带区别: The difference between water expansion stop belt and ordinary rubber water stop belt is different: 遇水膨胀止水带在遇水后会逐渐膨胀,最后会缓慢堵塞遍布存在的毛细孔隙、使与其接触的混凝土界面的接触更加紧密,从而产生较大的抗水压力,形成不透水的可塑性胶体,这种产品具有膨胀倍率高,移动补充性能强的特点,置于施工缝浇缝后,具有较强的平衡自愈功能,可自行封堵因沉降而出现的新的微小缝隙,对于已完工的工程,如缝隙渗漏水,可用止水条重新堵漏,施工*且施工工艺简单,耐腐蚀性较佳。 Water in the water will gradually swell in water, will eventually slow jam, the existence of pores in concrete and the interface contact more closely, resulting in high water pressure resistance, the formation of impermeable plastic colloid, this product has a high inflation rate, mobile added performance. In the construction joint seam, with balanced self-healing function strong, self sealing for settlement and the emergence of a new small gap, has completed the project, such as Water Leakage available water infiltration through the gaps, re plugging, low construction cost and simple construction process, excellent corrosion resistance. 厂家批发遇水膨胀、防水防潮 橡胶止水带 遇水膨胀止水带的规格及参数: Specifications and parameters of water expansion sealing strip: 遇水膨胀橡胶止水带在静态蒸馏水中的体积膨胀率(%)可自动调节,分为:≥150%、≥220%、≥300%等几类。 The rubber sealing belt swelling rate in static distilled water volume of water swelling (%) can be adjusted automatically, is divided into: not less than 150% and not less than 220% and more than 300% other types. 本产品适用于混凝土施工缝、后浇缝的止水功能。同时也适用于建筑构件拼装接缝、接缝的嵌缝、盾构法隧道管片接缝、板缝墙缝的防水工程,广泛用于贮水池、沉淀池、地下车库、地下室、地铁、大坝、隧道、涵洞、防洪堤坝等各种地下建筑工程和水利工程。 This product is suitable for concrete construction joint and water sealing function of back pouring joint. Waterproof engineering is also suitable for building component assembling seams, seam caulking, shield tunnel segment joint and slab wall joint, widely used in storage tank, sedimentation tank, underground garage, basement, subway, tunnels, culverts, dams, levees and other underground construction and water conservancy project. 遇水膨胀止水带是防治土木建筑构筑物的漏水、浸水较为理想的新型材料,当这种橡胶浸入水中时,亲水基因会和水反应生成氢键,自行膨胀,将空隙填充,对已往采用其他方法无法解决的施工部位,都能广泛而*使用。 The water expansion sealing strip is control of civil structures, the new material Water Leakage immersion ideal, when the rubber is immersed in water, the hydrophilic gene will react with water to generate hydrogen, self expansion, the void filling, construction parts of the past cannot be solved by other methods, can be widely and easy to use. 遇水膨胀止水带止水性能: Water stopping performance of water expansion sealing strip: 一旦与浸入的水相接触,其体积*膨胀,达到完全止水。 厂家批发遇水膨胀、防水防潮 橡胶止水带 Once in contact with the immersed aqueous phase, the volume expands rapidly to achieve complete water retention. 施工的安全性: Safety of construction: 因有弹力和复原力,易适应构筑物的变形。 Because of the resilience and resilience, it is easy to adapt to the deformation of structures. 对宽面的适用性:可在各种气候和各种构件条件下使用。优良的环保性,耐化学介质性、耐久性优良,不含有害物质、不污染环境。 Wide applicability: it can be used in a variety of climates and various structural conditions. Excellent environmental protection, chemical resistance, dielectric, durability, no harmful substances, no pollution of the environment. 厂家批发遇水膨胀、防水防潮 橡胶止水带