TST弹塑体伸缩缝怎么施工 所谓“弹性接缝”就是一种粘弹性结合材料来做的接缝,使接缝产生一定的弹塑变形来适应结构的变形。其性能特点如下: The so-called "elastic joint" is a kind of viscoelastic material to do the joint, so that the joint has a certain elastic-plastic deformation, to adapt to the deformation of the structure. Its performance characteristics are as follows: 1)TST是一种特制的高粘弹塑性材料,常温下呈弹塑态,高温熔溶后可热灌人碎石中,成型后如同沥青砼状,能承受车辆荷载,又有弹性,可代替小伸缩缝的功能。 1) TST is a kind of special high viscoelastic plastic material, at room temperature is high temperature molten plastic state, after hot fill gravel, forming as asphalt concrete shape, can withstand the vehicle load and elastic, can replace the small joints of the function. 2)构造简单,TST碎石直接铺在桥梁接缝处,与前后的桥面铺装形成连续体,桥面平整无缝。这种弹性接缝能吸收各方面的变形和振动,行车平稳、舒适、无噪音、振动。 2) the structure is simple, the TST macadam is directly laid on the bridge joint, and the bridge deck is formed before and after the bridge. The bridge surface is seamless and the bridge surface is seamless. The elastic joint can absorb the deformation and vibration in all aspects, and the utility model has the advantages of stable running, comfort, no noise and vibration. 3)施工方便快捷,铺装冷却后,即可开放交通。当伸缩缝需要进行更换时,可半边施工。对交通繁忙路段不中断交通。 TST弹塑体伸缩缝怎么施工 3) the construction is convenient and quick. After the pavement is cooled, the traffic can be opened. When the expansion joint needs to be replaced, half edge construction can be carried out. Do not stop traffic on busy roads. 4)接缝和桥面铺装联成一体,密封防水性好,且造价低、耐用。 4) the joint and the bridge deck pavement are integrated into one body, and the sealing and waterproof property is good, and the cost is low and durable. 施工工艺 construction technology 1)桥面沥青砼铺装层施工完毕后,清扫伸缩缝周边的桥面,按设计要求确定的槽口宽度放样、切缝、移走切除掉的路面材料并将槽口清理干净。 1) after the construction of the asphalt concrete pavement on the bridge deck, the bridge surrounding the expansion joint is cleaned, the width of the notches determined by the design requirements, lofting, cutting, removing the pavement materials and cleaning the notches. 2)在距槽口边缘50nlm,横桥向每间隔250Film打人一个膨胀螺栓,高度至1/2槽口深,并在螺栓内侧螺帽上顺缝方向通焊一根12的钢筋,或先钻12深60mm的孔。打人12×100mm钢筋,然后在*内侧顺缝方向焊一根12钢筋。 2) at the edge of the notch 50nlm, the bridge hits an expansion bolt at each interval of 250Film, the height to the 1/2 notch, and a 12 of the steel bar in the direction of the seam on the inside nut of the bolt, or first drilled 12 deep 60mm holes. Hit 12 * 100mm steel bar, and then in the top of the inside seam in the direction of welding a 12 steel bar. 3)高压水枪清洗槽口,然后用火焰喷射器烤热、烘干槽口表面。在相邻梁端缝隙内填海绵胶条,尽量填满,不留空隙。 TST弹塑体伸缩缝怎么施工 3) wash the notch with a high pressure water jet, then heat it with a flamethrower and dry the surface of the notch. In the adjacent beam end of the gap filled with sponge strips, as far as possible to fill, leaving no gaps. 4)在槽口外露面上均匀涂刷TST**粘合剂,等待15min后浇人溶化的TST,并用刮板均匀地涂抹在槽口底面与侧面,厚度1~2mnl。然后放人跨缝钢板,以定位钉固定,并注意对中。 4) on the outside of the notch, evenly coated with TST special adhesive, waiting for 15min after pouring TST melting, and evenly coated with scraper evenly at the bottom and side of the notch, the thickness of 1 ~ 2mnl. Then put the cross seam steel plate in place of the nail fixing and pay attention to the centering. 5)从槽口一端开始,放人已炒热(130~150℃)的大石子,均匀摊铺**段,摊铺长度2~3m,厚度以能见到底层的TST为准。然后浇入TST,淹没石子。 5) from the end of the notch, put people have fried hot (130~150 degrees Celsius) large stones, evenly spread the first section, paving length of 2 ~ 3M, thickness to see the bottom of the TST shall prevail. Then pour TST into the water and drown the stones. 6)铺*二层石子,厚度以能见到下层的TST为准,再次浇灌TST,淹没石子。本项目因槽口较深,共三铺三浇。 6) laying second stones, thickness to see the lower level of TST shall prevail, again watered TST, submerged stones. Because of the deep groove, the project is paved with three floors and three water. 7)铺上炒热的小石料,高出桥面10mm,用平板振动器振实,然后用刮板刮平。一般为防止下沉,高出桥面l~2mm,这时可任意修整,并用铁锨拍平。 7) put on the hot small stone, higher than the bridge deck 10mm, with flat vibrator vibration, and then scrape with scraper. To prevent subsidence above deck L ~ 2mm, then can be trimmed, and shoot with a shovel. 8)浇灌上足够的TST,淹没石子,这时为防止TST流到两边桥面上。可在槽口两边用木板挡住,以保持边缘的整齐。 8) pour enough water on the TST to submerge the stones, to prevent the TST from flowing to the sides of the bridge. The sides of the notch can be blocked with wooden boards to keep the edges tidy. 9)按以上方法继续做下一段,直至整幅或半幅做完。从一端开始,用**的摊铺器摊铺封面(TST用量根据下渗情况掌握),用烧热的铁锹刮平,一边浇,一边向后刮,修整表面,整个过程需要用火焰喷射器保温,表面TST不得高出石料2mm。 9) continue to do the next paragraph, as of the above, until the whole or half of it is done. From one end, using special paver paving cover (the amount of TST according to the infiltration Master), with a hot shovel scraping, while pouring, while back scraping, dressing surface, the entire process takes heat preservation by flame spray, the surface shall not be higher than the stone 2mm TST. 10)修整边缘,去掉两边挡板,冷却1~2h,开放交通。 10) trim the edges, remove both sides of the baffle, cool 1 to 2h, and open the traffic. TST弹塑体伸缩缝怎么施工