

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 河北省 衡水 景县 后留名府乡 河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
  • 姓名: 王伟
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:橡胶 橡胶制品
  • 发布日期:2018-07-11
  • 阅读量:102
  • 价格:1.00 元/米 起
  • 产品规格:300*8
  • 产品数量:1000000.00 米
  • 包装说明:1000000
  • 发货地址:河北衡水景县后留名府乡  
  • 关键词:钢边止水带厂家,钢边止水带价格,钢边止水带规格,钢边橡胶止水带,中埋式钢边止水带


    Rubber watertight strip is embedded rubber water stop belt, which is a commonly used form first after pretreatment of galvanized steel inserted into the middle rubber vulcanization forming, strong bonding force between the two, has obvious effect on seepage. Buried steel edged waterstop in the middle rubber body structure deformation by compression, stretching and deformation, and to seal the sealing effect; galvanized steel and concrete has good adhesion, not easy to fall off and loose, so that the water stop can withstand great tension and torsion.
    In the construction, due to the huge vibration force of concrete pouring and not easy to be fixed, will make ordinary rubber sealing belt, pull off, shifting due to torsion and loosening and dropping, that will produce leakage in water pressure is large, and the steel edged rubber water stop, not because of steel and concrete, steel strip with a new generation of rubber penetration. Therefore, the steel edged rubber water stop enhanced permeability structure deformation, seepage of the whole project has played an important role in the quality assurance, but also has good self good stability after installation, overcome with multi waterstop fixing process, make the installation more convenient.
    型号	A	B	C	D
    Model A B C D
    WN9W(G)-	钢边橡胶止水带2 钢边橡胶止水带2
    WN9W (G) - steel edge rubber water stop 2 steel edge rubber water stop belt 2
    WF9W(G)-	钢边橡胶止水带  钢边橡胶止水带2
    WF9W (G) - steel edge rubber water stop strip rubber water stop belt 2
    300*8	300	8	200
    300*8 3008200
    350*8	350	8	200
    350*8 3508200
    450*8	450	8	300
    450*8 4508300
    Note: the specification of steel edge rubber water stop belt is more. The specifications are only the common specifications. The specifications are made according to the customer's drawings, and can be customized according to the customer's requirements.
    Installation of steel edge rubber water stop
    1. First, the steel edge rubber water stop belt is placed in the specified position according to the design requirements.
    2. Using the installation holes of the two sides of the steel edge rubber sealing belt, the steel edge rubber waterproof belt and the steel net are tied and positioned by the iron wire. When the steel edge rubber water stop belt is positioned, the outer side of the two side steel strip is higher than the middle rubber water stop belt, and the U type installation is formed.
    3, the template should be strictly according to the operation rules for construction requirements for construction and installation in steel edged waterstop intermediate rubber ring type 0 two surface plane template to the firm, beware of concrete template displacement vibration.
    4, install the steel edged rubber water stop in construction must be good protection and support without pouring concrete part of the rubber sealing belt, in pouring concrete to strip near the slight vibration, especially in the lower edge of the horizontal part, sealing concrete to make concrete more subtle, the bubbles in the run out of the rubber watertight strip under the wing, when the concrete surface exceeds the waterstop plane, can cut the wire, making the waterstop is level.
    Steel 5, steel edged rubber water stop on both sides of the installation, the steel edged rubber water stop turning radius according to R requirements should be in the corner, and keep the steel flat, make steel and concrete effective combination, to play a good sealing effect.
    6, waterproof Belt should be properly protected during transportation, storage should be ventilated, avoid oil pollution and direct sunlight.
    Note: the horizontal section of the waterstop positioning wings can also use the 6mm short bar and the mounting hole on tie construction using artificial water to remove the bubble to flank up.
    欢迎来到河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省衡水景县河北省衡水市景县留府工业区,老板是王伟。 主要经营橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,塑料止水带,闸门水封,遇水膨胀止水条,伸缩缝,闭孔泡沫板、双组份聚硫建筑密封胶,双组份聚氨酯密封胶,单双组份硅酮密封胶,塑料胶泥等。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。 公司供应橡胶止水带,橡胶支座,密封胶等产品,始终坚持“用户至上、质量**”的原则,追赶同类产品中优惠的价格、上乘的质量、快捷的方式,为广大用户提供更**的服务。如果你对我们的产品感兴趣,快快来电咨询订购!