昌吉注浆管遇水膨胀止水带 遇水膨胀橡胶止水带并不是指止水带本身膨胀,而是一种在普通中埋式橡胶止水带的基础上增加膨胀防水线的一种止水带类型。膨胀的部分是膨胀线。橡胶部分与橡胶止水带物理机械性能相同,执行GB18173.2-2000标准,它又被称为“橡胶膨胀止水带”。膨胀线胶料执行标准GB/T18173.3-2002,除具有橡胶止水带的性能外,其主要特点是内防水线采用了具有遇水膨胀特性的橡胶来制成。止水带在膨胀橡胶作用下遇水开始膨胀并且增强了止水带和构筑物的紧密度,使防水、止水效果更好。 The water expansion rubber water stop belt does not refer to the expansion of the stop water itself, but is a kind of waterproof belt which is added to the expansion waterproof line on the basis of the common embedded rubber water stop belt. The expansion part is the expansion line. The rubber part and rubber water stop belt have the same physical and mechanical performance, carry out the GB18173.2-2000 standard, it is also called "rubber expansion water stop belt"". In addition to the performance of rubber water stop strips, the main line of expansion line rubber standard is GB/T18173.3-2002, which is made of rubber with water swelling property. The water stop belt expands under the action of the expansion rubber, and strengthens the tightness of the water stop belt and the structure, so that the waterproof and the sealing effect are better. 橡胶膨胀止水带的性能特点橡胶止水带遇到水后,体积就会膨胀,因此本产品可以广泛应用于各种类型的混凝土结构中,例如:挡水坝、蓄水池、地铁、涵洞、隧道等地下工程中。在这些工程中,由于不能连续浇铸,或由于地基的变形,或由于温度变化引起的混凝土构件的热胀冷缩等原因,在浇铸时常留有变形缝、施工缝,这些缝的防渗漏问题就要采用在变形缝的部位采用橡胶膨胀止水带的方法来解决,它既能防止地下水或外界水渗漏到建筑物结构中,又可防止建筑内的水漏到外界。 Rubber expansion properties of rubber sealing strip with water after the encounter, volume will expand, so the product can be widely used in concrete structures of various types, for example: dam, reservoir, subway, culverts, tunnels and other underground projects. In these projects, due to the continuous casting, or as a result of the ground deformation, or caused by temperature change of concrete thermal expansion and contraction, often left in the casting deformation joints, construction joints, these joints leakage problems must be used in the deformation of the rubber parts production expansion waterstop to to solve it, which can prevent water leakage of groundwater or external to the building structure, and can prevent water leakage to outside buildings. 昌吉注浆管遇水膨胀止水带