

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 河北省 衡水 景县 后留名府乡 河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
  • 姓名: 王伟
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款

  • 所属行业:建材 建材胶粘剂 胶凝剂
  • 发布日期:2020-11-24
  • 阅读量:189
  • 价格:1.00 元/公斤 起
  • 产品规格:25
  • 产品数量:10000.00 公斤
  • 包装说明:
  • 发货地址:河北衡水景县后留名府乡  
  • 关键词:沥青胶泥规范,沥青胶泥施工,沥青胶泥多少钱,沥青胶泥密度,沥青胶泥厂家

    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款详细内容

    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款
    technical parameter
    1;外 观 : 黑色糊状
    1: appearance: black paste
    2;氧指数: >30%(OI)
    2; oxygen index: >30% (OI)
    3;粘结力: 20℃1.5kg/cm2
    3; adhesive force: 20 1.5kg/cm2
    4;比重: 1600~1700kg/m3
    4; specific gravity: 1600 ~ 1700kg/m3
    5; at 95 degrees of temperature, 45 degrees tilted for 4 hours, the temperature rose to 120 degrees, 45 degrees tilted for 1 hours without bubbling phenomenon.
    6;抗冻性: -40℃~+95℃各悬挂2小时无开裂、无脱离。
    6: frost resistance: -40 ~ +95 temperature, suspension for 2 hours, no cracking, no separation.
    7;抗腐蚀性: 40%硫酸侵泡2小时无变化。
    7; corrosion resistance: 40% sulfuric acid infiltration for 2 hours without change.
    8使用温度: -40~95℃。
    8 service temperature: -40~95.
    9;吸 水 率: 室温浸泡24小时,吸水量不大于试料重量的1%。
    9; water absorption at room temperature for 24 hour, water quantity is not more than 1% of the weight of the sample.
    10;包装规格 : 35Kg/铁桶
    10; package: 35Kg/ drum
    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款
    Excellent features
    Has wide application range, long service life, weather resistance, deformation resistance, high tensile strength, large elongation rate, strong adaptability, acid resistance, alkali resistance, anticorrosion and waterproof performance, any complex parts are easy construction of grass-roots shrinkage and cracking deformation, solve the traditional waterproof anti-corrosion materials, such as paint, coil hollowing elevation decline well, part of the difficult problem of complex operation. Completely replace the traditional anti-corrosion waterproof material. It has better anticorrosion, waterproof and insulating properties than others.
    Adaptive range
    1, underground engineering project concrete foundation of the bottom, side, back, foundation pit, basement corrosion protection and waterproof engineering;
    2、水泥基建筑物,基坑、地基、地面、桥墩、铁路、港口、码头、煤矿、油田钻探的防腐防水工程、 3、地槽、水塔、水池、冷却塔、污水池、食用清水池的防腐防水工程;
    2, cement building, foundation pit, foundation, ground, pier, railway, port, wharf, mine, anti-corrosion waterproof engineering, oil drilling 3, geosyncline, tower, water tank, cooling tower, water tank, food antisepsis and waterproof engineering of clean water tank;
    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款
    4, new and old civil buildings, roof, balcony, bathroom, gutter, wall, basement, warehouse, tunnel and bridge waterproof anti-corrosion grouting and various joints of the water;
    5, all kinds of metal pipe, steel bar, concrete anti-corrosion project, can prevent corrosion of steel bar, prolong the service life of concrete.
    Classification of species
    1;沥青胶泥分为加温型,和不加温型(溶剂型),两种相比沥青胶泥溶剂型开桶即用施工方便,更加环保。 2;溶剂型沥青胶泥,又分为厚浆型,和薄浆型,厚浆型适用于2毫米以上施工,薄浆型适用于0.3毫米以上2毫米以下施工。
    1, asphalt mortar is divided into heating type and non heating type (solvent type), compared to two kinds of asphalt mortar solvent bucket opening, that is easy to use, more environmentally friendly. 2, solvent asphalt mastic, is divided into thick pulp type and thin pulp type, thick pulp type applicable to more than 2 mm construction, thin pulp type applicable to more than 0.3 mm 2 mm below construction.
    地下室沥青胶泥 货到付款
    欢迎来到河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省衡水景县河北省衡水市景县留府工业区,老板是王伟。 主要经营橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,塑料止水带,闸门水封,遇水膨胀止水条,伸缩缝,闭孔泡沫板、双组份聚硫建筑密封胶,双组份聚氨酯密封胶,单双组份硅酮密封胶,塑料胶泥等。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。 公司供应橡胶止水带,橡胶支座,密封胶等产品,始终坚持“用户至上、质量**”的原则,追赶同类产品中优惠的价格、上乘的质量、快捷的方式,为广大用户提供更**的服务。如果你对我们的产品感兴趣,快快来电咨询订购!