特点:1.TST弹缩体直接平铺在桥梁接缝处,与前后的桥面勤劳路面铺装形成连续体,桥面平整无缝,比其它桥梁伸缩缝行车自然更平稳、舒适、无噪音、振动小,且具有便于维护、清扫、除雪等优点。2.构造简单,不需装设专门的伸缩构件和在梁端预埋锚固钢筋,施工方便快速,铺装冷却后,即或行车。 Features: 1.TST elastic body directly laid on the bridge joints, and hard pavement deck pavement formed continuum before and after the bridge level traffic seamless, naturally more smooth and comfortable, no noise, small vibration than other bridge expansion joint, which is convenient for maintenance, cleaning, snow etc.. 2. simple structure, without setting a special telescoping member and buried anchor bars at the beam end, convenient construction, pavement cooling, or driving. 3.弹性接缝能吸收各方面的变形和振动,却阻尼性高,对桥梁减震有利,可满足弯桥、坡桥、斜桥、宽桥的纵、横、竖三个方向的伸缩与变形。 3. elastic joints can absorb the deformation and vibration of all aspects, but high damping, favorable for bridge damping, stretching can meet the curved bridge and ramp bridge, skew bridge, wide bridge transverse longitudinal and vertical direction of three and deformation. 4.因接缝和桥面铺装连成一体,故密封防水性好,且耐酸碱腐蚀。 4. because of joint and bridge deck pavement together, so the seal waterproof good, and resistant to acid and alkali corrosion. 5.旧桥更换伸缩缝,可半边施工,对交通繁忙路段不中断交通。 5. old bridge replacement expansion joint, can be half side construction, traffic busy traffic section does not interrupt. 6.造价低、耐用、养护更换少,经济效益和社会效益显着。 6. low cost, durable, less maintenance and replacement, economic and social benefits. 适用范围:适用于-25℃至+60℃地区,伸缩量在50mm以下的公路桥梁、城市立交桥、高架桥等桥梁的伸缩接缝。 Suitable for: -25 DEG C 60 area, the expansion amount of joint under 50mm highway bridge, city overpass, viaduct bridge. 结构形式及尺寸:按桥梁纵坡坡度,分为两种结构形式:Ⅰ型适用于纵坡小于2%的桥梁伸缩接缝。Ⅱ型适用于纵坡等于大于2%的桥梁接缝,两者的区别在于是否设置膨胀螺栓和钢筋。 Structure and size: according to the slope of the longitudinal slope of the bridge, it is divided into two kinds of structural forms: type I is suitable for bridge expansion joint with longitudinal slope less than 2%. Type II is suitable for bridge joints with longitudinal slope equal to more than 2%. The difference between them is whether the expansion bolts and steel bars are set up.