

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 河北省 衡水 景县 后留名府乡 河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
  • 姓名: 王伟
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:橡胶 橡胶制品
  • 发布日期:2018-07-11
  • 阅读量:176
  • 价格:1.00 元/米 起
  • 产品规格:400*8
  • 产品数量:1000.00 米
  • 包装说明:精装
  • 发货地址:河北衡水景县后留名府乡  
  • 关键词:橡胶膨胀止水带


    1.PVC背贴塑料止水带通用名称:PVC中埋式止水带、, PVC external type water stop, PVC back type water stop, PVC grouting type water stop, polyvinyl chloride water stop, rubber plastic water stop.
    3. backside plastic water stop product features: PVC characteristics of good corrosion resistance and durability. The plastic water stop belt is mainly used for the foundation engineering which is set up in the construction seam and the deformation joint and the concrete in the concrete pouring. Such as tunnel, culvert, aqueduct, dam, reservoir structures, underground facilities, with the same rubber腻子型遇水膨胀止水条特点: 浸水膨胀,“以水止水”;膨胀速度慢,浸水186h其膨胀膨胀率的50%;施工方便,价格低廉; 无毒无污染 在长时浸水作用下无溶解物析出; 与其他亲水膨胀止水带相的分别是它的亲水膨胀性经长期的反复膨胀后仍没有失去 .制品型遇水膨胀橡胶止水条又叫遇水膨胀橡胶,是一种既有一般橡胶制品特性,又有遇水自行膨胀以水止水的功能。该材料具有弹性接缝止水材料的密封防水作用,当接缝两侧距离加大到弹性防水材料的弹性复原率以外时,由于该材料具有遇水膨胀的特性,在材料膨胀范围以内仍能起止水作用,膨胀体仍具有橡胶性质,更耐水、耐酸、耐碱。
    Type of expansive water features water: swelling, "water seal"; the expansion speed is slow, the expansion rate of water 186h 50%; the construction is convenient, the price is low; no pollution in the long time immersion under no dissolved precipitation; and other materials, in the expansion range can still play the water stop, the expansion body still has more rubber properties, water resistance, acid and alkali resistance.
    The product uses water tunnel engineering, municipal water supply and drainage engineering, water pool, swimming pool, building a large number of applications to pull the bolt, and various wall pipe water pipes in the solidification of concrete pouring hardening, it is easy to form a small gap, but also the formation of the leakage channel, is used in the present construction, steel plate method in central 2mm thick annular sealing ring welding, to extend the low permeability seepage water, but also often have leakage phenomenon.
    欢迎来到河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省衡水景县河北省衡水市景县留府工业区,老板是王伟。 主要经营橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,塑料止水带,闸门水封,遇水膨胀止水条,伸缩缝,闭孔泡沫板、双组份聚硫建筑密封胶,双组份聚氨酯密封胶,单双组份硅酮密封胶,塑料胶泥等。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。 公司供应橡胶止水带,橡胶支座,密封胶等产品,始终坚持“用户至上、质量**”的原则,追赶同类产品中优惠的价格、上乘的质量、快捷的方式,为广大用户提供更**的服务。如果你对我们的产品感兴趣,快快来电咨询订购!